Kids Toy Organizer: Toy Organizer Ideas

Kids Toy Organizer: Toy Organizer Ideas For Every Kind of Toy

Having trouble finding a kids’ toy organizer? Here are 14 different kids toy organizer ideas that will help your kids keep their rooms looking organized. No matter how much space your kids may or may not have for their toys, we’ve got the answer to your kid toy organization woes.

Stuffed Animals, Plushies, or Soft toys: Hang Them!

Kids Toy Organizer Hang a toy hammock above their bed to display your kids’ soft toys. Not only is this a super cute way of storing them but also gives them easy access to play with their toys in bed and put them away when they’re done. Kids Toy Organizer Have your kids’ toys looking organized in a hanging soft toy storage option like this stuffed animal swing. Just make sure your kids know that it’s only for their toys.

Lego and other tiny toys: Color Code Them!

Kids Toy Organizer Color-coded storage makes it easy to teach kids to put things back where they got them. With all the different colors of Lego that they have, clear containers are definitely the best storage option! And seriously… they add that extra pop of color to every kids’s bedroom. Kids Toy Organizer As for their other tiny toys, sort them into clear tubs and use labels so they are kept organized. Kids Toy Organizer Organize your kids’ toy storage with pullout drawers and tubs with colored labels. These make it so much more organized and it makes it easier for the kids to put their stuff away too.

 Toy Cars, Trucks, and Trains: Display Them!

Kids Toy Organizer Why hide away their favorite toys when you can show them off instead!  This DIY toy car garage is a nice way to feature their collection in an organized way. Each slot has a car, train, or truck that it belongs to, so your kids can put them back easily on their own. Genius right?! Kids Toy Organizer Create a this super cute toy car storage idea by repurposing an old tire and painting it in a fun color. Put shelves inside the tire and line up all of their toy cars, trucks, and trains! It’s a perfect way to display their toys while making them look neat and organized!

Mixed Toys: Store in Bags, Baskets, and Crates!


Kids Toy Organizer Running out of storage space? No problem! Use the back of the door to hang Beach bags or tote bags with all of your extra bits & pieces. These are perfect storage containers for kids’ toys, especially soft toys! The best part is that they make packing away super easy. Kids Toy Organizer What about drawstring storage bags for toys? You can also hang them on their walls or inside their closets. The best part of this is the peekaboo detail so you have a clue on what’s inside of them. Perfect when you need to grab toys for traveling or when you’re going on a vacation. Kids Toy Organizer


Kids Toy Organizer Keep clutter away with wicker baskets! This kids’ toy organizer idea is great for people who have their play areas out in their living space. The wicker baskets still have that grown-up decor vibe that your living area needs & they can hide all of your kids’ bits & pieces out of sight.  Take your organizing to the next level by adding some cute labels or tags too. Kids Toy Organizer Mix it up with baskets & tubs in different colors and styles. This is perfect for storing toys in different shapes, styles and purposes. Kids Toy Organizer The key to being super organised is to finish off your kids storage ideas with labels.  Chalkboard labels are the best because they’re erasable & reusable. Perfect for growing families who may use their toy storage for other things as the kids grow up.


Kids Toy Organizer Another perfect toy storage idea that hides away mess in an instant is this simple idea. Create these multi-purpose wheelie crates in a flash & use them for storage & seating! Clever! Aren’t these super cute? Kids Toy Organizer

Can’t Get Enough of Our Organizing Ideas?

Read more about organization tips and inspiration in our article about Home Organization Ideas. We’ve also got a full article on Color Coding and Labeling that can help you level up your organizational skills & teach your kids to be more independent too.

Searching for The Best Label For Your Kids’ Toy Organizer?

Look no further! If you’ve used some of our DIY Kids Storage Ideas, you’ll want to have labels on them too! We’ve got chalkboard labels for your crates and shelves. And if you’ve saved some space because of those clever storage ideas,  you can decorate their rooms with our wall letters and wall decals. They’re perfect for kids’ spaces! The best part? These are all made for you in the USA and shipped super fast! You and your kids will love them!